
Garage WPC Door Maintenance - Why and How You Should Do It

At least once a year you should examine the garage wood plastic composite door on your property. To insure for proper operation and longevity of your home investment, we highly recommend that you pay attention to your garage during everyday use. Keep track of the average amount of cycles your garage goes through for a week, and you'll get a good idea as to how much wear and tear this piece of equipment endures. When you find time to do a relatively quick and simple walk-through, we encourage that you use the following steps:

wood plastic composite deck materials1. First, you can disengage your opener unit by means of the emergency release and manually open and close the composite door. During this time, the garage should operate smoothly without groaning, creaking or making loud noises. To give you an idea as to how easily a garage WPC Door should open: a teenager should be capable of opening it with one hand. If you are an average, sized adult and are struggling to push open your garage Door with all your strength, in all honesty, it is not working properly.

2. If you can open your garage WPC Door with one hand, make sure that it is not flying up or slamming down. A composite door that flips open or slams shut means that it is not working properly. Think of as your front Door; if you leave your house and slam the front Door behind you, don't you cringe as you know the frame is taking a beating and the walls of your house vibrates? Garages typically are heavy . This is a lot of weight to be sliding around so freely. Not only does it damage the frame that surrounds it, it also creates a hazardous area for the people that live on the property.

3. Check the cable or chain to see if there are any cracks.

4. Check the track to see if it is broken, bent, or dented. As you look at that, also go over the roller, hinges, mounting brackets, and springs. Often, parts become loosened and can eventually result in bigger/costlier damages.

5. To perform preventative maintenance on your door, you will need a suitable lubricant that is primarily used for garage composite doors. Go to your local department store and ask for a garage WPC door lubricate. With your garage composite wood door closed, place in a tiny amount of the lubricant at each point on the composite door where you have a moving part, bearing or pulley. When you are finished, open and manually close the WPC door a few times to work the lubricant into the parts. At this point, you should notice that the garage door's movements has improved.

6. Also, you shouldn't forget the bearings on a torsion spring. To locate this spring, it is the spring that's above the top of the WPC Door when closed rather than down each side of the track. Put a little on the torsion spring itself so it will slide over itself easier as it coils and uncoils.

Generally, garages in our contemporary times will last about 5-10 years. Some last heaps longer while others last for a shorter period of time. Like anything else that we use, if there are high use and poor maintenance, we can't expect that our investment will last long. Appropriate care will help to elongate the lifespan of your garage composite door and automatic opener system.

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