More than likely, when you think of environmental problems, you think about air pollution, global warming, or the hole in the ozone layer. But another problem that seriously impacts our planet is deforestation.
The loss of large forest areas produces many negative side effects. For example, trees absorb carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming. Trees also prevent erosion and provide shelter for wildlife, among other things. Obviously, their depletion has far-reaching consequences.
Of course, there are natural causes for deforestation that are beyond our control, like volcanic eruptions and lightning-ignited fires. But such catastrophic events do not happen daily – unlike the continuous harvesting of trees to meet the demand for commodities like WPC decking.
Fortunately, there are some decking manufacturers that genuinely care about the environment and are clearly demonstrating social responsibility. One company that is leading the way in reforestation efforts is Barlinek S.A.
Barlinek's participation in environmental enhancement programs is well documented. Foremost among their activities is the "One for One" program. For every package of decking that Barlinek sells, they plant a sapling in what is known as the "Customer's Forest." Thus far they have planted more than a million and half new trees, and that number is steadily increasing.
In recognition of Barlinek's efforts, the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) has issued a certificate verifying that the company obtains wood in conformity with forestry management principles. Coinciding with their reforestation program, Barlinek is also involved with helping wildlife by supporting the "Program for the Reintroduction of the Peregrine Falcon." But these are not the only ways that Barlinek demonstrates their environmental friendliness.
Currently the third largest European decking manufacturer, Barlinek management has wisely reinvested the profits of their growth. Their facilities utilize the latest equipment and technologies, and that translates into minimal waste and air pollution. It also means they produce some of the highest quality decking in the world.
Though the composite decking prices are high, using the option of composite decking for the decking pricing has many more advantages that outweigh the use of cheapest alternatives What is composite decking? It is a material made of recycled wood and pure or recycled plastic. Often the recycled wood that is used for making composite materials is sawdust or wooden fiber. A few manufacturers make use of pop bottles that have been recycled as the plastic component for decking material of this type. We should be aware of plastic decking prices.
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