
How Do You Make Your Cheap Decking Look Like a More Inviting Space to Enjoy

However, for those people who have more time and vision than money, there are decking decorative ideas that can transform cheap decking into an inviting space ideal for relaxing and entertaining. Dedicate a couple of weekends to some sweat equity projects, and you can have some cheap decking that reflects your personal style.


best composite deckingThere are several types of cheap decking decorations from which to choose. There are architectural elements, such as trellises, gates, pillars, fencing and roofing. There are functional decorative elements, such as furniture and lighting. Outdoor artwork and accessories tend to be the cheapest and easiest choices for decorating decking.


Your decking decor should begin with a budget and a plan so that you prioritize your decking functionality. After all, it does no good to invest your entire budget in cool lighting if you still have nowhere to sit. Plan for cheap seating and shade possibilities before worrying about the overall design scheme. Beach chairs are an affordable choice, but you may have some luck finding old outdoor furniture at thrift stores and junk shops. As long as the chair frames are solid, most outdoor furniture can take being stripped, sanded, repaired and repainted with enamel paint. You can also go for the shabby chic look by using mismatched pieces donated by friends and family or scavenged from corners and yard sale leftovers. Give everything a fresh coat of antique white paint and add some cushions.


Cheap decking decor often features recycled, rephrased pieces. For example, old fence posts or large rocks can become surfaces for painting folk art. Broken kitchen plates and cups can be used to decorate planters or as the base for a mosaic tabletop project. An antique metal stroller or an old sink can be transformed into a planter. For people who want a more polished look, cheap decking decor made of lightweight resin is an affordable option.


The benefit of decking decor is that it's made for using and enjoying rather than preserving for a lifetime. Time and the elements will change your cheap decking pieces for better or for worse. So consider your decking a perennial work in progress. You can take more chances with design and color, because it is easy to add a new coat of paint. You can bring the space together quickly and cheaply by adding a rattan mat as a rug or using a sheet over clotheslines as a temporary canopy. Flowers, plants and vines add the ideal backdrop.


Some vintage items may contain lead paint or surfaces where paint is chipping, which is dangerous if swallowed. Carefully strip, repaints and seals any pieces that will be around babies and young children. Check pieces for splintering wood or loose hardware that can make furniture hazardous.

