
Different Patio Door Locks For Added Security In Your House

These days security is one of the main concerns for house owners and therefore patio door installations take safety matters into consideration.

With a sliding door, one is at a close to the risk of insecurity. This is because its main operation does not push it in but rather moves it to the side. This does not assist in keeping the lock tight, and hence the joints will be left loose. The sliding patio door locks could be of great help as they will keep the door from sliding back physically adding to the security of the house. The locks allow for better security by hooking onto the door and another good thing about them is that they are out of reach of children.

There is also another type of lock operated by foot where one only pushes their foot down on a pedal. The door is prevented from sliding back and nobody can be able to pick on the block. One great advantage of this door lock is that it is within reach of children hence appropriate in case of danger. The cost initial and installation charges are also relatively cheap.

The third type of locks for patio doors is operated by use of a key. To install this block, you will have to drill into your door. However, these ones are easily available and therefore you will be spoilt for choice. You may also want to secure your patio door. The door can be made of various materials including glass. To do this just gets yourself a sliding security gate, this can be fitted with two locks to add more security. With this, you can leave the patio door open for the air to flow in during the summer.

Sometimes the deadbolt of your patio door may fail to turn as you lock the door mostly during spring or summer. Sticking a screwdriver and lifting as you turn it may not be a permanent fix and if you want to do away with the broom handle the coral home show shows an easy way to install locks on the sliders. For your French doors, you could install a dead bolt as safety latches require drilling. It will however provide no security for the children as they can easily open them. However, you could install a child safety device which requires you to disassemble the door handles to install it. In some homes, the sliding door might be used on the outside and a standard look or maybe a bolt installed at its bottom as the security. However, these are not secure enough when trying to stop it from sliding.

Mortise doors are worth buying if security is your concern. This is one of the main questions many people ask; is how to make a patio door, lockable if it has no lock and has never had one making it impossible for a replacement lock mechanism since it has no hole. It is even harder when it the only door as patio door locks needs to be accessible from the outside, and all the walls around it are made of concrete. One of the simple answer to this question is installation of certain door handles with special hardware which will lock it in such a way that they only let people out but can let them in again or in a way whereby they can be locked from outside with crash bars that only open from the inside

