All who roll wood will let you know that WPC rolling can be detected; to an extent this is true. All wood can be rolled and be undetectable; claim comes with some exceptions. On about 90% of wood, rolling is absolutely undetectable, even if an expert but roller was given the WPC for scrutiny. The other 10% of wood have issues with being undetectable.
When a company says that WPC rolling is undetectable they are not lying but they are not telling the entire truth either. Earlier I said all bets can be rolled with no detection. In order to do this the wood will not come even near to being fully broken in. What that means is the pressure put on the beat will be insufficient to break up the resin. I believe some bad rulers are afraid of breaking wood or are inexperienced and do not understand how to accurately break a bit. This is why they beat roll with less pressure. Some composite wood and all aluminum wood will posses long flat spots along the length of the barrel after the boat rolling. With composite wood, this is typically caused by inferior composite material but can also be caused by too much force. So the question remains what if I have one of wood that bad rolling will leave roller marks? Solution: An experienced bag roller will deploy procedures that will work around this predicament. One of these tactics is parallel rolling. One cannot effectively roll an aluminum WPC with a perpendicular but rolling machine. I say it twice, and effectively roll an aluminum WPC with a perpendicular but rolling machine? This is where a parallel rolling machine is a requirement. It will efficiently roll the bag without leaving definite spots.
I can say a similar thing about some composite wood. As I stated in the second paragraph, a rare composite wood are made of inferior material and perpendicular rolling can cause flat spots. Some of these composite wood include: 2009 or above Mikens and worths, Miken Freak Turbo, TPS wood, most youth fast pitch wood, and most youth baseball wood. This is not a complete list, but it gives you an understanding of some of the impending problems with perpendicular rolling. I mentioned that Mikens and worths have this problem, this is not to say that they have inferior composite but it definitely occurs with these wood. Again, this can be averted with a parallel ruler and an experienced WPC roller. So if these kinds of wood are rolled to their full capability in a perpendicular bet roller, there will be uninteresting areas. Again, there will be predetermined spots with perpendicular but rolling.
Getting back to the original question, can WPC rolling be to detect? No, as long as you use a parallel but rolling machine and an expert but roller. I have personally shipped 4 wood back to Easton and Miken that had been rolled and got my replacements. You will see, but rollers on Ebay trying to get your business with no actual experience. You will see things like e can roll them out?Or upper Hot, what in the backyard nilly willy is this? You will see claims of 20-60 feet; rolling has only been proven to boost distance by 40 feet. You will see, but rollers who blame the WPC companies for graphics coming off. Ebay is a proving ground for inexperienced WPC rollers. What to watch out for: Look at Ebay feedback, make for certain you get it done by a qualified WPC rolling company, and find a bit roller who does both perpendicular and parallel. This will improve your chances of not receiving a detectable but after the boat rolling.
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