There are lots of occasions in our life when we need to hire an attorney. Before even examining the questions you could possibly put to any legal professional and before engaging their assistance, there is one question you want to ask yourself first-o I require an attorney?
It is.sometimes possible that the current difficulty you happen to be dealing with could be resolved without the necessity for a lawyer and the sensible use of communication and common sense will be able to solve most differences when your first reaction is to hit the phone book and search for an attorney.
For example, a dispute with your neighbor regarding a boundary fence, unnecessary noise or the numerous problems that does occur once in a while with neighbors could be more positively resolved by speaking to your neighbor directly or through a 3rd party like a mediator.
Other instances that you could address yourself include the small claims court in your state which is set up to permit people to resolve their disputes without the burden of costly legal fees. Court staffs are usually quite helpful in answering any questions that you may have and will provide you with the correct forms to fill out and the correct procedure to follow.
A necessary factor you should consider before hiring an attorney is this: the lay litigant, that is the ordinary person without legal representation, in my experience, always receives a fair hearing from the court and the reason for this is the ideals on which our laws are built.
Whenever you consider laws and justice, a symbol you'll always picture is the scales of justice. They represent a balancing of the rights of everyone in a situation on which the judge will pass judgment. Judges are quite mindful of the requirement to make sure that when faced with a choice that they are keeping those scales well balanced. Whenever a judge is faced with a lay litigant on the one hand and an experienced lawyer on the other side of the disagreement the judge will constantly make sure that the scales are kept in balance by being very helpful and considerate to the lay litigant to make sure that his rights are not trampled on by a slick, experienced attorney.
Because of this you could think about representing yourself in minor matters and where the cost of hiring a lawyer is unreasonable or where you may truly lack in financial resources. Nonetheless you should give it serious thought before acting as your own attorney because it could prove very costly in the long run.
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