Do not be fooled by the name. Decking tiles are perfect for more than just exterior decking. Imagine a large basement, perfect for storing stuff throughout the year, but with one problem: Moisture. If you have ever been in this situation, then you know all too well how quickly a wet basement can ruin cardboard storage cartons. Perhaps the easiest and most effective solution to this problem is to use decking tiles, which will elevate your stored items off of the ground.
Tiles with proper spacing and an open base allow water to drain away underneath, but that is not all. They also allow for excellent air flow, which any deck expert will tell you are a vital component in any situation where wood and water might mix. These same qualities make decking tiles perfect for kitchens and bathrooms, as well as basements, or any other indoor space that you expect will get a lot of moisture.
This ingenious solution also lends itself well to indoor applications thanks to the small size of each individual tile. Just think of all the hassle involved with maneuvering long sections of flooring in the confines of a home, and compare that with the simplicity of carrying a small, square deck tile. This alone makes the installation process faster, which leads us into the next advantage...
One other reason this can be a great solution for your indoor flooring needs is that quick installation process. The faster the floor is installed, the sooner you can go back to normal life in your home. The snap together installation makes this option one of the fastest flooring options, as well as the easiest. Anyone can install decking tiles, so you can save time as well as money.
There is one final advantage to this method. Imagine you want to move or remodel your house. With any other option, you have to leave the floor behind or replace it. But tiles can be easily lifted up and moved to a new location, meaning you do not have to spend money on a new floor. Even if you are not doing something as drastic as moving or remodeling, the nature of the deck tile installation allows you to easily move or rearrange your floor to suit your changing tastes.
So when you think about decking tiles, remember that they are not just for outdoor applications. They may also be your perfect indoor flooring solution.
Your home is your palace. Invest wisely, take the time to look at your options and remember that even though the price is attractive now, will it be attractive in a few years. Labor will not get cheaper and materials will not be either. Your time is precious and the headache of the future can be avoided with preparation ahead of time. You don want to deal deal with issues in replacing your deck boards you want to be drinking that refreshing beverage and watching the sunset on that breezy summer evening.
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