
Pay attention to the selection of wood flooring and more

Spring is a good time to decorate the house , many consumers will choose to decorate the house in the wood flooring . In order to enable consumers to purchase qualified wood flooring , recently, City of Industry, " 12315" issued consumer tips to remind consumers pay attention to the following details when purchasing wood flooring .

First of all, when consumers buy wood flooring , the best choice for reputable brand, Select relevant national or industry recognized products , such as national free products, Chinese well-known products, such as well-known trademarks . Do not buy the "three noes" products , products for the whole logo should buy foreign cautious, if imported goods, should Chinese identity and import certificates , consumers can not only cheaper , but the purchase price of the product is very low . Second, pay attention to environmental indicators . Because wood flooring may be used in the production process contain formaldehyde and other harmful to human health , such as adhesives , adhesive content of harmful substances such as exceeding the national standard , will have an impact on human health , so consumers should be concerned about parquet environmental indicators , while parquet formaldehyde emissions should meet national mandatory standards plastic wood floor prices.

City of Industry, " 12315" also warned consumers not to neglect the stability of parquet . Although stability is to highlight the advantages of wood flooring , but the pavement moisture control improper or unscientific , will also affect the stability of the product . Therefore, consumers should pay attention to moisture indicators parquet and paving the way to ensure stability pergola wood composite.

In addition, when consumers buy parquet sure to follow , " who sells who lay " principle. Consumers should buy wood flooring in ensuring that the seller has a formal construction team , a good experience in construction, construction management practices , improve the pavement norms.

Fourth, post-maintenance warm
Maintain warm water at least once a year , mainly boiler cleaning, maintenance, including heat exchangers, combustion chamber cleaning, etc. , but also the amount of air pressure , according to the need to check the water separator , piping , etc. Less power to warm the post-maintenance , mainly thermostat, the best choice for a good quality thermostat to reduce the frequency of replacement , electric floor heating must be installed through extensive testing before and after the installation of wood flooring , thus ensuring the latter 's stability. In addition, the warmth of the long-term worry for the family , it is best to choose a brand with good after-sales service system to warm to avoid subsequent unnecessary trouble cheapest fence design.

