
The bedroom is actually the home of the dirtiest places

Person's life is about 1 / 3 of the time spent in the bedroom. When a lot of people, every night , relieved a tired , his head sunk deep in the pillow , is the happiest moment of the day , the bedroom has thus become one of the most favorite place. However , a recent survey the British " Daily Mail" published recently showed that in fact the bedroom was the most dirty place , always hidden dust mites, mold , formaldehyde and other "dangerous goods" , threatening people's health composite privacy fence panels .
Alternating current positive spring is a good time to clean the bedroom . And foreign research and interviews with experts , summed up the dirtiest corners of the bedroom , a bedroom teach you to fight Paul "The Guardian " war .

7 bedroom dirtiest place
Bedroom space is small, relatively high concentrations of harmful substances , and people kept breathing breathing in the bedroom , unsuspecting , bedroom environment directly affects health.
Mattresses. Seemingly insignificant mattress is actually bacteria , " Promised Land ." A British study found that about a 3 -year double mattress is not cleaned , the number of bacteria at more than 1 billion , mainly fungi and mites based. In contrast , on the same floor area , the number of mites than 1/ 3 . 44.69% of the surveyed person , never thought the mattress will be in possession of bacteria, 48.18% of people think but do not bother to clean.
Pillow . A lot of people lying on the bed allergy symptoms worse, it is because a lot of dust mites hidden in the pillow and pathogens. When we close a pillow to sleep , it will continue to breathe , a call between a smoke, dust mites inside the pillow limb debris and feces will enter the respiratory tract , causing allergy symptoms. Experiment was done a few decades have not cleaned the pillow , it weighs 1/3 of feces and body from dust mites white patio composite benches.
Air conditioning. A survey by the Chinese Center for Disease Control , CDC and other agencies in Shanghai conducted showed that 88 % of the total number of bacteria exceeded air conditioning fins , 84% of the total air-conditioning heat sink excessive mold , bacteria were detected excessive air conditioning cooling film up to 1000 times . When the air conditioning blowing wind carry germs into the human respiratory tract , there may be cause colds , pneumonia and other respiratory diseases.
Carpet. Carpet cleaning is not easy , long time, bacteria, dust mites will be as dust, food debris accumulated on the carpet , "camp " , is apt to cause fungal infections and respiratory diseases.
Plush toys. Many people like to put on the pillow plush toys , plush toys and surfaces easily hide dirt , bacteria and formaldehyde , as well as some of the "three noes" plush toys are filled with harmful chemical fiber , easy to make tears, from erythema , and even cause respiratory and skin infections.
Plants . Many people will be placed in the bedroom of a two basins plants to purify the air. As everyone knows, pots moist soil may hide a lot of mold. Research shows that the average person can come into contact with every day 100 kinds of mold, and mildew is one culprit trigger allergy symptoms . Mold spores are released into the atmosphere in the air, resulting in people allergic to mold asthma , eczema , rashes and other symptoms Composite Wood Flooring.
Furniture. A set of data from the World Health Organization shows that nearly half of people in the world of indoor air pollution , resulting in 22% and 15% of chronic bronchitis and lung disease , bronchitis . Among them, decoration materials pollution is an important reason. Many decoration materials , although not obvious smell, but formaldehyde , benzene, ammonia and other harmful substances still exist. China Indoor Environment Monitoring Committee detected , 72.2% of the children's room formaldehyde from 1 to 8 times.

